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Home/Consultant Plastic Surgeon William Townley, MD, FRCS (Plast)

What Is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon?

A Consultant Plastic Surgeon is a medical doctor who has completed the highest level of specialty training in plastic surgery and passed all relevant professional exams. This is an education and training process that can take between 15 to 18 years in its entirety. Once speciality plastic surgery training is complete, trainees complete the Fellowship Exam of the Royal College of Surgeons—FRCS (Plast)—and, upon passing, receive a Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST), which makes them eligible to be called a Consultant Plastic Surgeon.

Consultant Plastic Surgeons are considered the most qualified choice for performing plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery procedures. Their training is focused on the repair and reconstruction of physical defects, as well as the aesthetic improvement of undesired features of the body, face, and breasts. Consultant Plastic Surgeons use innovative surgical techniques that harness the art and science of plastic and reconstructive surgery to achieve improved form and function for patients presenting a wide variety of concerns caused by trauma, genetics, health conditions, ageing, and other natural changes in the appearance.

Meet Mr Townley

Mr William Townley has devoted his career to improving patients’ lives and self-confidence through plastic and reconstructive surgery. His thirst for knowledge and love of plastic surgery has taken Mr Townley around the world for the best in specialised surgical training. As a leading Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Mr Townley provides a comprehensive range of surgical procedures and cosmetic treatments designed to enhance aesthetics, as well as restore proper form and function. In all areas of his practice, Mr Townley utilises modern evidence-based approaches designed to deliver the highest-quality results. Additionally, Mr Townley conducts himself in accordance with the highest medical, ethical, and safety standards to support his commitment to providing premier-level care for all patients. For Mr Townley, building trusting, honest, and supportive relationships with his patients is foundational to his success and he is known for his relaxed, compassionate, and personalised approach to care.


Mr Townley began his education in medical sciences at Clare College in Cambridge and went on to study clinical medicine at Brasenose College in Oxford. He then returned to London to complete basic surgical training, followed by a two-year research degree at the RAFT Institute (University College London) leading to the award of MD. Following his MD, Mr Townley completed specialist training in plastic surgery in London and Oxford. He spent a year of further subspecialist training (breast, head, and neck) in Toronto, Canada, followed by six months working as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in British Columbia.

Clinical Research

Throughout his career, Mr Townley has been keenly interested in conducting clinical research and finding ways to improve treatment outcomes. He has published nearly 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is an author of several book chapters. During his time in Oxford, he was appointed an Honorary Fellow in Medicine at Brasenose College.

“I am interested in all aspects of aesthetic surgery and have visited many international units (London, France, USA, Canada) to learn new techniques to be able to offer the most up-to date treatment.”

Mr Townley

Reconstructive Surgery Practice

As well as a private cosmetic practice, Mr Townley runs a busy NHS reconstructive surgery practice as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. His main areas of expertise are corrective surgery for patients with facial paralysis and head and neck cancer reconstruction. This involves complex operations to restore appearance and function in patients with facial deformities or head and neck cancers (face, nose, jaw, and throat). He also performs breast and body contouring surgery in patients following significant weight loss.

Additional Positions

Outside of the NHS, Mr Townley has been a pitch-side surgeon in international rugby games, providing onsite treatment for complex facial lacerations and injuries.



How to Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon

With so many plastic surgeons in the UK, selecting a qualified plastic surgeon who best suits your needs can at times feel overwhelming. Choosing a plastic surgeon is a very personal and important decision that requires in-depth research and thoughtful consideration. Individuals considering plastic surgery often begin their research online and/or by asking friends and family for plastic surgeon recommendations. Browsing plastic surgeons’ websites and exploring online ratings and reviews can be very revealing and may help point you toward some good options for care.

Before deciding on a plastic surgeon, Mr Townley suggests scheduling an in-person consultation where you will have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss the concerns you’d like to address, and learn more about the approach that may be best for achieving your goals. During your consultation, Mr Townley recommends asking plastic surgeons questions that cover the following key points to ensure you get all of the most important information:

If you are ready to make the next step toward high-quality plastic surgery care, please contact our practice to schedule your personal consultation with Mr Townley.