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Quick Facts About Deep Neck Lift Procedures

  • Sedation: General anaesthesia
  • Inpatient/Outpatient: Inpatient
  • Potential Benefits: A more youthful neck contour; reduction of excess facial fat and jowls; a more sculpted jawline
  • Procedure Length: Approximately 2.5 – 3 hours
  • Cost: From £15,000

As a seasoned facial rejuvenation and reconstruction surgeon, Mr William Townley utilises the specialised “deep neck reduction” or “deep plane neck lift” technique. Generally, neck lift surgery aims to improve the contour of the jawline, chin, and neck by tightening neck muscles and removing excess fat and skin; however, the deep plane technique ​​involves a more intricate reworking of the plane underneath the platysma muscle and fascia.*

The deep neck reduction strategy often produces longer-lasting and more natural-looking effects than more traditional neck lift methods. That said, because this technique is highly complex and nuanced, it requires well-honed surgical skill and supreme knowledge of the facial anatomy. We encourage you to entrust your care only to a top quality provider – such as Mr William Townley, our London Consultant Plastic Surgeon.

What Are the Benefits of Deep Neck Lift Surgery?

Especially in the hands of an experienced Consultant Plastic Surgeon, a deep neck lift can offer a plethora of benefits. The meticulous incision placement used in this method can allow for significant reduction of deep structures, which often contribute to fullness in the ageing neck.

Because the deep neck lift frequently offers jawline definition as a secondary benefit, this method may be all that is required for those with isolated loss of contour and ageing in the neck. Alternatively, patients with jowl formation and a heavy lower face may benefit from combining a deep neck lift with a deep plane facelift.

When performed properly, the deep neck reduction strategy can:

  • Smooth and rejuvenate the neck, jawline, and lower face
  • Tighten and lift sagging or excess muscle and connective tissue
  • Combat enlarged and floppy submandibular glands
  • Reduce the severity of bulky digastric muscle
  • Address deep-seated fat and jowls
  • Create a firmer, more defined jawline
  • Avoid the overly tight effect associated with lower quality surgeries
  • Produce results that are more natural-looking and enduring than the traditional neck lift method

What Does the Deep Neck Lift Procedure Entail?

At the practice of Mr Townley, the deep neck reduction procedure is effectively identical to a short-scar neck lift; however, the latter method is designed to be less intensive. Similar to the incision placed in a short-scar neck lift, the deep neck reduction technique involves a small incision made under the chin, but also includes an incision behind the ear to suspend the platysma muscle and tighten the neck. The outcome of a deep neck lift depends on both reduction of volume in the neck (submandibular glands, anterior belly digastric muscle, deep fat) as well as tightening of the platysma muscle. The muscle is secured in the midline and at the side so that it acts like a hammock, creating a youthful neck contour.

The extension behind the ear is a key measure in contouring the ageing neck, as it facilitates the tightening of the platysma muscle, which often separates with age in the midline. That said, younger necks that are naturally full (i.e. a “double chin”) may not require the incision on the side of the face, and a reduction of the deep structures may be all that is required for optimal results.

What Can I Expect From Deep Neck Lift Recovery?

In most cases, Mr Townley performs deep neck reduction surgery as a daycase under general anaesthesia. Depending on the complexity of the procedure, the surgery may take between two and a half to three hours.

Mr Townley favours use of the “haemostatic net” at surgery to reduce swelling and the risk of bleeding early on. The quilting sutures that create the “net” are removed early (e.g., after 48-72 hours). Fine sutures along the incisions are usually removed after the first week, and patients will typically need about two weeks of social downtime.

Following the procedure, patients can expect mild to moderate swelling, bruising, and tenderness; however, these should fade promptly provided you closely adhere to your aftercare instructions. Moreover, the use of pain-relief medications can potentially mitigate any discomfort.

How Much Does Deep Neck Lift Surgery Cost?

Pricing for a deep neck lift at our practice begins at £15,000. Please be aware that the final cost will be contingent upon the overall duration and complexity of the procedure; the addition of other surgical strategies (e.g. a facelift); and several other potential factors.

We will present you with an accurate cost breakdown following your detailed consultation with Mr Townley. Meanwhile, never hesitate to contact our office with questions regarding the financial aspect of your care.

Do you have questions about deep neck lift surgery? Contact our office to learn more.

Medical References*

Cleveland Clinic
Mayo Clinic